We the above would like to share our views in regards to the abolition of the right to buy.

We are tenants living in the Swansea area, which is currently under suspension. We don’t think it is right nor fair to exclude the tenants in Swansea and other areas under suspension the years grace period/window of opportunity.

Carl Sargeant stated during his evidence meeting in regards to the abolition of the right to buy 29/3/17 "There is a process that local authorities follow, rigorously informing their tenants of their intention to suspend the right to buy"...that DID NOT happen in Swansea. Tenants in Swansea were notified by means of an article in an open house brochure which is unacceptable considering a statutory right was being suspended. There was no grace period for tenants, as of Dec 2014 Swansea council refused to take RTB applications even though they didn’t receive approval for suspension until April 2015.

There are many tenants in Swansea that were unaware of the suspension due to the local authority’s insufficient duty to consult tenants about the change in a statutory right. A lot of tenants in Swansea have been told in the previous 2 years that the suspension was only a temporary measure and that they would get the chance to purchase once the suspension ended. If the ARTB is passed then people who like ourselves will lose the opportunity to purchase the house they have made a home. Therefore it is only right and fair that all tenants are treated equally and given the grace period.

The RTB was suspended in Swansea due to a shortage of housing so why have Swansea council knocked down streets upon streets of houses but have never replaced them? Land around the area is being sold to developers instead of the local authority building much needed council housing on. Not a single right of ours as tenants, as a family or as individuals has been considered when this decision was taken. Our rights as a tenant, our human rights to a safe and secure home and the rights of our children have all been disregarded.

We believe that the RTB is not the cause of the housing shortage but to do with the way the RTB has been run. We understand that it is highly unlikely that a new house can be built from the proceeds of a sale but there has been a serious lack of investment and development in the Swansea area where the local authority are concerned. It appears as though the RTB is being used as the sacrificial goat to disguise short comings in the building of new affordable housing.